Order a SBA Loan Title Report

SSL Secure Checkout. We Accept Visa, Mastercard, AMEX, and Discover.

We have performed many title search reports for SBA clients, and work closely with the Administration to provide the required title documents. We understand that you need your SBA funded quickly, and we run every SBA title search as a rush order. Completed reports are typically sent within 3-5 business days or less, depending on the complexities of the property search findings.

For bulk pricing on more than 10 orders, or for rush services, call us.

SBA title search includes the following:

Full title search abstract$225.00

30 year chain + copies+ $100.00


SBA discounted package price:$250.00

Your title documents are sent to you by email immediately upon completion.

When entering property information, be as complete as possible, although you need only enter either:

  • property address, city, county and state
  • parcel number (APN) and county
SSL Secure Checkout. We Accept Visa, Mastercard, AMEX, and Discover.