Title Reports for Disaster & Emergency Assistance SBA Loans

Disaster and Emergency Assistance SBA Loans help to ensure the viability of our nation’s businesses during difficult times. For more than twenty years, AFX has been performing title search reports for SBA clients and has worked closely with the various industries they represent. Therefore, we understand that this component is a critical part of the SBA application process, and we perform every SBA title search with urgency and accuracy in mind.

For individuals and businesses currently in the process of obtaining an SBA loan for disaster assistance, we have established a custom title search document to meet the specific demands of the SBA for the funding package.

Property title search requirements for SBA loans typically require the following:

  • Record Ownership in the name of the borrower
  • All Prior Liens
  • SBA’s recorded Mortgage/Deed of Trust
  • Tax and Judgment Search
  • Copy of the Legal Description covered in Title report
  • Search at least 30 years

NOTE: The deed of trust for your property must be recorded with the county recorder’s office prior to ordering a title search from AFX. The recorded document will then be part of the final report presented to the SBA for funding.

If your funding requirements are different from this, contact us anytime and we can arrange for a report which matches the specific requests for your funding letter.

Order today. Don't delay.

In an emergency, hours of wait can result in days of delay to get funds you need.